Navigating Your DNA Bombshell: From Shell Shock to Secure New Identity

Reeling from the shock of discovering your biological heritage?

Struggling to make sense of your identity after uncovering a life-altering truth?

Our experience is unique.

It’s impossible for others to understand unless it has happened to them. In 2017 I experienced the identity crisis and depression of finding out my father was not my biological father. I couldn’t find anyone trained in mental health who understood what I was going through.

So I decided to become that person.

I did the work for my own healing and then returned to graduate school and earned a Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Now I’m here to help you move through this challenging journey with courage, resilience, and grace.

What You'll Gain:

  • Emotional Resilience: Learn how to cope with the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany the revelation of a DNA bombshell. Develop strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty effectively.

  • Self-Discovery: Explore the depths of your true identity beyond biological ties. Rediscover who you are at your core and embrace the uniqueness of your personal story.

  • Practical Guidance: Receive practical tools to help you calm overwhelm, navigate sensitive conversations with family members, establish boundaries, and set healthy expectations for the future.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Relief from Emotional Overwhelm and Confusion: Learn how to self-soothe your nervous system and begin to sort out tangled and conflicting feelings.

  • Expert Guidance: I’ve been through this journey myself. I’ve experienced some of the same feelings you’re currently having and have done the emotional work to get my life back.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers a wide range of topics, including emotional processing, self-exploration exercises, communication strategies, and more, ensuring you have everything you need to thrive after a DNA bombshell.

Your Journey to Healing Begins Here

Don't let the shock of a DNA bombshell define you. Empower yourself to reclaim your narrative, embrace your true identity, and forge a path forward filled with strength, authenticity, and purpose.